domingo, 2 de julho de 2017

FME Objects API for Raster using Python

Hi all FME User's,

In this Year the FME Desktop bringt the new API for Raster using Python. Its possible to make any actions, for example: create a mosaic, make Clipper, extract informations Bounding Box from Raster file, remove Band, etc...

Inside FME Core has transformer to do theses actions, but if you are a Pythonics like me :) you can create scripts language in Python.

I created a Workspace that demonstrate a just Clipper using only Python Script.

The source data is a Raster file and the transformer AttributeCreator  is configurated  parameter the Bounding Box informations : XMin,yMin,XMax and yMax.

Continuing we have the transformer PythonCaller. A PythonCode was written to receive the information Bounding Box and make a just simple Clipper action.

The class responsible to performs a clipper on raster file is FMERasterTools.

Has a important documentation online to understand better the use API for Raster File:

I entered below the Python Code with comments:

How you can see above, on the line 17 I check the geometry source data if is a Raster file ( if tipo == 512 ). If the transformer PythonCaller receive another geometry instead Raster file, the information will be show in Attribute tipo ( line 28 ).

And the line 23 the action Clipper was configurated with simple line code:

Now, everybody can program use the API for Raster using Python. Access the documentation and play with Python and transformers. :)

If anyone has any doubt, please contact me that i will help.

See you the next Post.

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